Saturday, February 7, 2009

Arissa's Advance Birthday at Alim Kids

arini arissa ke school seperti biasa.. pepagi dah bangun nak ke school, semangat mandi dan bersiap dgn pakai t-shirt schoolnya kaler ijau ada tulis ALIM Kids... sepatutnya birthday dia besok 08.02.09, tapi sbb arini ramai kengkawan kat alim kids, mommy mmg nak buatkan a small birthday party utk arissa dan kengkawannya tuh.... alahai takde buat apa pon... malam tu kami berdua beranak (abi lom balik lagi...) ke Jusco, beli goody pack utk kengkawan arissa... bahan2 spagett tu mmg dah standby dari arituh lagi.... so, sekejap aje ler nyopping kat jusco tuh... pusing2 ala kadar, aku pon balik ke umah dgn cik kak tuh.... smpai umah packing kan goody2 tu sema dgn dibantu oleh pembantu setia aku... sape lagi kalo bukan cik arissa cute... makaseh kakak!...

aksi2 masa segmen bermain sambil menyanyi... suka sema kids masa nih... gelak terkekek2... so cute all of them!...

teacher says to all kids that "today is arissa 3rd birthday... say happy birthday to arissa and we sing a song to her.... oke, ready 1 2 3...."
"Happy birthday to u, happy birthday to u.... happy birthday to Daanya Arissa.... happy birthday to uuuuuu....."

mommy bli aje cake tuh... konon nak buat tp sbb kesilapan teknikal, kami beli aje cake tuh kat Baker's Cottage.... Chocholate Cheese Mousse Cake... yummy n nice deco. too!....

one more birthday song to arissa....

Resreshment time... Kids having refreshment that sponsored by mommy... mommy cuma buat spagetti bologneese aje, buat mmg tak pedas n a lil bit sweet utk budak2 tuh... me feel veeeery happy, all those kids love the spaget very much... nanti buleh untie masak lagi... ehekss... ;)
hannah, najla & arissa...
(psst: wa, hannah makan byk tuh mbe sbb makan reramai dgn kengkawan... tuh yg selera tuh!... )
in the pic: mariah, masha n hannah... like the spagett dear?...
thanks very much to all adorable kids and a gorgeous mothers for the wish and made arissa's birthday so meaningfull and full of joy.... and a big thanks to arissa's teachers for organised the party very well... thanks everyone!... from arissa, mommy n abi.... ;)

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